Apache Hop 2.5.0 is available!
NOTE: this is a repost of a post that was published on the know.bi blog earlier.
Apache Hop 2.5.0 was released late last week. 2.5.0 is the latest in a series of mostly hardening and bug-fixing releases.
Apache Beam Upgrade
Apache Beam has been upgraded to 2.48.0, with support for Apache Spark 3.4, Apache Flink 1.16 and Google Cloud Dataflow.
Take a look at our recent post on how to get started running your Apache Hop projects on Google Cloud Dataflow over Apache Beam.
A number of new how-to guides have been added to the docs (based on our recent blog posts).
- Apache Beam and Google Dataflow: run the Beam pipelines in the samples project on Google Dataflow (original post).
- Extended Apache Airflow and Apache Hop how-to guide: run Apache Hop workflows and pipelines with the Apache Airflow DockerOperator (original post).
- Looping how-to guide explains how to work with the various ways to build loops in workflows and pipelines, and provides guidance on which of these different types to use in different scenarios (original post).
Hop Gui Improvements
The viewport was introduced in Hop 2.2 as a new way of navigating workflows and pipelines in Hop Gui.
The viewport is now an optional feature: if you prefer scroll bars to horizontally and vertically navigate in Hop Gui, you can now disable the viewport from the “Look and Feel” tab in the configuration perspective.
Sort fields by name
By default, incoming fields in Hop Gui are shown in the order in which they were added to the pipeline.
A new option in the configuration perspective (“General” tab) now allows you to sort the fields by name.
Community Growth
The Apache Hop community continues to grow. Building a growing and thriving community is one of the tasks every incubating project gets when they join the ASF Incubator. The Apache Hop community is distributed all over the globe, and new members are added continuously.
Next steps
The Apache Hop team already started working on Apache Hop 2.6.0. The 2-month release cycle will be stretched a little to cross the summer breaks, 2.6.0 is expected to be released in early September.
know.bi will continue to work with the Apache Hop community to make Apache Hop a stable and reliable data integration and orchestration platform.
Reach out if you want to find more about Apache Hop, or if you’d like to discuss how we can help you to build a successful data platform with Apache Hop.