Apache Hop 2.8.0 is available
NOTE: this is a repost of a post that was published on the know.bi blog earlier.
The Apache Hop community released Apache Hop 2.8.0 late last week. This release contains over three months of work on almost 80 tickets.
As has been the case for quite a while now, this release comes with a lot of hardening and bug fixes, and a couple of new features. Let’s take a closer look.
AWS SNS Notify and SQS Reader transforms
The AWS SNS Notify and SQS Reader transforms were ported over from the original PDI plugins by FreddyFFM.
These plugins add a lot of value to send notifications to AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS). SNS is a notification service that provides a service for sending messages. Amazon SNS acts as a single message bus that can message to a variety of devices and platforms.
Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a distributed message queuing service that supports the programmatic sending of messages via web service applications to communicate over the Internet.
As is always the case with porting plugins over from Kettle/PDI after over 4 years of development, the original code base required quite a bit of rework, but these transforms are now Apache Hop first-class citizens.
Improvements, bug fixes, hardening
The Apache Hop community continues to work on improving the stability and robustness of the platform. Well over 70 bug fixes and small improvements are included in the 2.8.0 release.
Action duration is now logged correctly in workflow logs, and a NullPointerException bug that only happens in very exceptional race conditions were resolved.
As has become a tradition, Apache Hop 2.8.0 comes with lots of new and updated documentation and translations.
If you find a bug in your favorite Apache Hop release, don’t hesitate to report it in the project’s GitHub Issues. If you can’t wait for the community to fix your issue, feel free to reach out, we’re happy to help!
The Apache Hop community continues to grow.
Building a growing and thriving community is one of the tasks every incubating project gets when they join the ASF Incubator. Even though Apache Hop graduated as a Top-Level project 2 years ago, building and growing a community remains equally as important as continuously improving the software.
The Apache Hop community is distributed all over the globe, and new members are added continuously.
Reach out if you want to find out more about Apache Hop, if you’d like to upgrade from PDI/Kettle or Talend, or if you’d like to discuss how we can help you build a successful data platform with Apache Hop.